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CEVNI Inland Waterways

This course

A test of the rules and regulations of the inland waterways of Europe. You will need this if you require the inland category validated on your International Certificate of Competence.

Required experience


Minimum duration

Learn the CEVNI regulations in your own time, at your own speed before taking the timed test online.

Minimum age

While there is no minimum age for the CEVNI test, you cannot apply for an ICC below the age of 16.


This is a test based on the CEVNI regulations. There is no formal training course. Students can study the signs, lights, buoyage and regulations using the book RYA European Waterways Regulations (G17).

Certificate issuing criteria

Able to identify and interpret the regulations of the European inland waterways.


A multiple choice test taken online



Dates: We run courses weekly and availability changes weekly, to get the latest dates live now. Please WhatsApp us on the contact us now or fill in the form. We are very quick to reply.

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